EYLUL DURANAGAC ALICICreative Director I Academician I Media Artist 

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The ADC Annual Awards

AVA V2 _Particle Physics Scientific Installationin Museums / Gallery Installation category
TEDxCERN_Main Titles in Title Sequences category

ADC is the first global organization to celebrate and award leaders in creative communications and one of the most prestigious annual exhibitions in the creative community.With the words of Earnest Calkins, who organized ADC’s first annual exhibition in 1921, the aim of ADC is “dignify the field of business art in the eyes of artists” and communicate the message that “artistic excellence is vitally necessary to successful advertising,”

@ouchhh has been awarded a Silver Cube Prize for Particle Physics Scientific Installation in Museums / Gallery Installation category and a Merit Prize for TEDxCERN Main Titles in Title Sequences category at the The Art Directors Club ADC Awards 2017 in New York.

                We are very proud of being awarded by this reputable organization, which is heading into its 96th year.︎


Direction_Design_Animation: Ouchhh (ouchhh.tv)
Sound Design: Audiofil

Cargo Collective, Inc.
Los Angeles, Calif.