EYLUL DURANAGAC ALICICreative Director I Academician I Media Artist 

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To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” - Leonardo Da Vinci

With over 15 years at the confluence of art and science, Eylul Duranagac has firmly established herself as an esteemed figure in the new media arts landscape. As an award-winning creative director, her expertise bridges the gap between traditional forms of art and emerging technological mediums, exploring the profound potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in artistic expressions.

Presently an esteemed faculty member at Yıldız Technical University's Faculty of Art and Design, she provides academic insights into the delicate balance of art, science, and technology. Her primary endeavor revolves around the nexus of these disciplines, aiming to redefine the relationship between science, art, and technology. By integrating data and algorithms, she crafts new media masterpieces that range from the micro to the macro scale. Her work embodies themes as vast as the universe, the intricacies of art history, and the nuances of subjects like physics, math, and nature.

Her exhibitions have spanned the globe, from the hallowed halls of MoMA and Ars Electronica to revered institutions like NASA, CERN, and the Taipei Digital Art Center. Esteemed publications including WIRED, Global Times, and Art China have recognized her contributions.

Ouchhh studio, under Eylul's leadership, boasts an impressive portfolio of 52 public art projects across all continents, gracing cities from Tokyo to Barcelona, Seattle to Berlin, and more, leaving indelible marks on numerous festivals and institutions.

Her accolades include the prestigious Young Guns 18 from The One Club in New York — an award that has acknowledged luminaries such as Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh.

Eylul's educational journey has been both expansive and profound. She secured a double major B.A. from Istanbul Bilgi University, followed by a Masters in Interactive Media Design from Yıldız Technical University. Currently, she is furthering her academic pursuits with a Ph.D. in Art and Design at Yıldız Technical University. Beyond her formal education, she specialized in machine learning under the mentorship of AI luminary, Andrew Ng, of Stanford University

Her passion is unmistakable as she continues to innovate, particularly in employing GAN models for meaningful storytelling. Eylul has also been a notable presence in design symposiums, including OFFF Barcelona 2019, Digital Design Days OFFF Milano 2018, and The-Future/DUBLIN 2017, to name a few.

︎ eylulduranagac@gmail.com


2024- now
Lecturer_ Bilgi University
Faculty of Communication- Visual Communication Design Department- (VCD 303) Immersive Media Experience 

2022- now
Lecturer_Yıldız Technical University

-Faculty of Art and Design  - (GRA3230) New Media and Communication

-Faculty of Art and Design  - (GRA3190)  Visual Perception


Yıldız Technical University
PhD/ Art and Design

Yıldız Technical University
MFA /Interactive Media Design

RWTH Aachen University
Introduction to Robotic Programming

Ethan Kerber(https://iaac.net/dt-team/ethan-kerber/)

2020 -2021/High Degree
Stanford University/Coursera
Machine Learning Online

Andrew Ng (https://www.andrewng.org/)

2008 – 2011  
Istanbul Bilgi University
Bachelor of Arts (BA)

/Film & Television
/Visual Communication Design

Prof. Dr. Feride Çiçekoğlu

2005-2008 /High Honors
Private Istanbul Beykent High School


2023- SSS Journal,
‘’ Yeni Medya Sanatının Kamusal Alanda Uygulanması‘’ (The Implementation of New Media Art in the Public Sphere) , https://sssjournal.com/?mod=tammetin&makaleadi=&key=67858

2023- SSS Journal,
‘’Yüksek Rönesans: Derin Polarize Alanlar- Sanat Ve Bilimin Kesişimi’’ (High Renaissance: Deep Polarized Fields - Intersection Of Art And Science) https://sssjournal.com/?mod=tammetin&makaleadi=&key=67865


Creativepool Annual Awards- Animaton Jury for 2020

The Frame Awards- The Design Of Spatial Experiences Jury for 2019

The ADC Annual Awards -Experiential Design Jury for 2018.




Digital Design Days OFFF Milano 2018

KARMAN WEEK July 7-9 2020

The-Future/DUBLIN 2017

IX Conference/MONTRAL 2015


2022_ Annual 2022 Award_ ‘’Next Gen Talent of the Year’’_ Gold, London

2020_ Young Gun Award (YG 18) Art Directors Club, New York

2020_The AV Experience Award _DATA GATE_ category for Best In-Person Experience

2020_The AV Experience Award _DATA GATE_ category for Best Dynamic Art Experience

2019_ Red Dot Design Award_ Poetic Ai_Best of Best

2019_ Red Dot Design Award_ Say Superstrings_Best of Best

2019_Muse Creative Awards USA_Poetic Ai_Experimental_Immersive Category

2019_Muse Creative Awards USA_Data_Gate_Experimental_Immersive Category.

2019_ADC Awards ( The Art Directors Club )New York_Poetic Ai_Environmental Design / Exhibition Design - Single

2019- 11th IDA Design Awards_Poetic Ai_Silver Awards-Design exhibit,Pavillions and exhibitions.

2019-11th IDA Design Awards_ Girard-Perregaux-Silver Award _Multimedia Animations

2019-ACE of M.I.C.E. Awards_ Saysuperstrings-Best of Technology

2018- The Stevies Awards(Internatıonal business awards)_League of Legends _Consumer Event-Gold

2018- The Stevies Awards(Internatıonal business awards)_eague of Legends_Best  Event-Silver

2018- The Stevies Awards(Internatıonal business awards)_League of Legends_Best Brand Experience _Silver

2017-German Design Award- AVA_V2 / Particle Physics_Scientific_Installation-Excellent Communication Design

2017- Codawards in the commercial category with ''AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation''

2017- Red Dot Design Award- AVA_V2 / Particle Physics_Scientific_Installation-Communication Design Category

2017- Red Dot Design Award- TedxCern Main Title/ Animation Design Category

2017- 10th Annual IDA Awards (The International Design Awards)- Oled TV Cinematic Experience in Multi media -Animation category- Bronze - Los Angeles

2017- 10th Annual IDA Awards (The International Design Awards)- AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation in Multi media -Animation category- Silver -Los angeles

2017- 10th Annual IDA Awards (The International Design Awards)- AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation in animation category- Honorable Mention- Los Angeles

2017- 10th Annual IDA Awards (The International Design Awards) - Homeomorphism in animation category - Honarable Mention - Los Angeles

2017- ADC Awards ( The Art Directors Club )- AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation in Museums / Gallery Installation category- Silver Cube -New York

2017-ADC Awards 2017 ( The Art Directors Club )- TEDxCERN Main Titles in Title Sequences category- Merit Cube- New York

2017- Arzu Kaprol- Mercedes Fashion Week- Digital Couture- ACE OF M.I.C.E Awards-- Best Event - TR

2017- Vodafone Digital Transformation- Digital Symphony- ACE OF M.I.C.E Awards- Best Event Production- TR

2017- ''Homeomorphism''- 文化庁メディア芸術祭 | Japan Media Arts Festival- Jury official selection- Japan

2017- ''AVA_V2 / Particle Physics_Scientific_Installation''-The Aesthetica Art Prize- United Kingdom

2016- ''Dare to Dream_VODAFONE''- Crystal Apple Awards -Media/ Special Event - TR

2016- ''Dare to Dream_VODAFONE''- Crystal Apple Awards- Interactive Event/Outdoor Marketing - TR

2016- ''Dare to Dream_VODAFONE''- Felis Awards-Use Of New Technology -TR

2016- ''Dare to Dream_VODAFONE''- Felis Awards- Success Award -TR

2016-' 'CONNECT-PUBLIC DATA SCULPTURE''- City University of Hong Kong’s School of Creative Media and International Commerce Centre-Honorable Mention. -HongKong

2016 - ACE of M.I.C.E. Awards - Revolution of Topography CAPPADOCIA_A/V Performance- Best Event Production- TR

2015- ''Homeomorphism'' Ars Prix Electronica - Honorable mention - Austria

2015- ''Homeomorphism''- Vimeo Staff Pick- New York

2015- ''Museum of Energy Mechanical Surface A/V Performance''- Vimeo Staff Pick - New York


2018-Red Dot Award: Communication Design EditionInternational Yearbook Communication Design

2018-Marketing TR


2018-NBC Washington Web

2018-NBC Washington

2018-ABC 7 News - WJLA

2018-Washington City Paper



2018-ORB MAG

2017- AI Artificial Intelligence Book- Ars Electronica 2017

2017- Campaign TR May issue

2017- XOXO The Mag May issue

2017- ''Ouchhh &AVA_V2 project'' - The Aesthetica Art Prize Anthology book

2017- NTV Channel Program-Nonspaces Exhibition

2017- TRT World- Nonspaces Exhibition

2016- CNN International Network Channel HLN,‘‘Digital Symphony and Digital Couture‘‘,-Morning Express with Robin Meade for New York Fashion Week.

2016-Marketing Turkey-November issue

2016-Campaign TR – December issue

2016- XOXO The Mag

2016- CODAWORX-Technology+Art III issue- Homeomorphism Art Piece

2016- CODAWORX-The Human Form+Art III issue- Oled Cinematic Experience

2016- CODAWORX-The Light as Art IV issue- AVA_V2_Scientific Installation

2016-Hurriyet Daily News- Hyper/ine-Akbanksanat


2020-‘’MOTHER EARTH_Climate Change_Data Sculpture Installation’’- ArtScience Museum,Singapore

2020-‘’AI DATAMONOLITH Sculpture’’-Istanbul The Lights Fest-İstanbul

2020-‘’OCEAN DATA Immersive Experience Public Art’’- Les Bassins de Lumières

2020-‘’AI DATAMONOLITH Sculpture’’-Taipei Digital Art Center

2020-‘’AI DATAMONOLITH Sculpture’’-Oxford Street,London

2020-“Data Eye of Wanjing” Permanent Public Art-BeijingCHina

2020-“AI DATAMONOLITH” installation-Nuit Blanche Taipei 2020

2020- AI DATAMONOLITH-Shibuya,tokyo

2020-DATAMONOLITH_AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation,Times Square

2020-DATAMONOLITH_AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation - LLUMBCN-Barcelona

2019-‘’SAY_SUPERSTRINGS“-Sonar Barcelona,Spain

2019-HARMONIC AI_World's Biggest Ai Jazz Consciousness Installation-ART ON MART-Chicago

2019-DATA GATE _ World’s First AI Astronomical Research Data Architectural Sculpture Public Art-Wave of Tomorrow,Jakarta,Indonesia.

2019-DATAMONOLITH AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation -Intersect Festival , Las Vegas.

2019-DATAMONOLITH AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation-Mori Museum,Tokyo

2019- ‘’DATANOVA’’ _ NewYork _ DataSculpture_Public Art-Newyork

2019-‘’GitHubXOuchhh_DATACOSMOS’’ installation-Gıthub event

2019-‘’ DATANOVA _ Public Art _ Metacity -Tokyo

2019-‘’Data Gate’’ Public art,Nanjing china

2019-‘’COSMIC AI _ OUCHHH _ Asia Premier Solo Exhibition ‘’-Nanjing China

2018-‘’DATAF/UX_New Data Sculpture_Public Art_MOHAI’’,Seattle

2018-‘’SAY_SUPERSTRINGS“-Ars Electornoca,Linz

2018-‘’Poetic Ai’’-Burning man Fest,USA

2018-‘’AVA V2_White night Fest ,Melbourne

2018- '' Poetic Ai Exhibition''- Atelier Des Lumieres-Paris

2018- ''Neuroscientific Installation” -File Festival -São Paulo, Brazil

2018- ''POETIC AI” -Solo Exhibition at Atelier des Lumières -Paris

2018- ''Parallel Universe''- Solo Retrospective Exhibition-Artechouse-Washington D.C

2018- AVA V2-White Night Melbourne

2017- ARCHITECTURAL _ AI PERFORMANCE- Bolshoi Theatre -Circle of Light

2017- World's biggest architectural AI Performance- iMapp Bucharest

2017- IOTA AI Performance - Ars Electronica-Deep Space 8k

2017- ''Orion Code based A/V Light Installation Performance'' - Mira Digital Arts Festival

2017- ''Homeomorphism'' - Mira Digital Arts Festival

2017- ''Saccade'' Led Surface of Fiesp Building -San Paulo-Brazil

2017- ''Homeomorphism''- Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science -Miami

2017- ''Homeomorphism''- Brno Observatory and Planetarium

2017- ''IOTA'' Data Performance- Sonar Festival

2017- ''Homeomorphism'' 文化庁メディア芸術祭 | Japan Media Arts Festival

2017- '' AVA_V2'' - York Art Gallery- UK

2016-''Iota'' -Akbanksanat- NONSPACES/YOKYERLER exhibition curated by Ceren & Irmak Arkman

2016- ''AVA V2'' - TEDxCERN-“ripples of curiosity”- CERN/Geneva

2016- ''Homeomorphism''- National Space Center- United Kingdom

2016- ''Digital Couture/Arzu Kaprol'' -Mercedes Fashion Week-Istanbul

2016- ‘‘Digital Symphony and Digital Couture‘‘, CNN International Network Channel HLN,Morning Express with Robin Meade for New York Fashion Week.

2016-’’Connect’’ Data Sculpture , City University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong.

2016-’’ Homeomorphism’’, IMERSA Immersive Research, Science & Arts, Colorado,United States

2016-’’ Homeomorphism’’, DENVER Museum of Nature & Science, Colorado,United States

2016-’’ Homeomorphism’’, Immersive Festival,Madrid, Spain.

2016-’’ Homeomorphism’’, CODAworx, Wisconsin,United States

2016- ‘‘Sphinx’’, Audio Visual Public Art Piece, Roma, Italy.

2015- ''Hyper/ine", Monochrome Exhibition, Akbanksanat, Istanbul TR

2015- ''O'' , Europalia | International Arts Festival, Brussels,Belgium

2015- '' ASYMPTOTE'', Kernel Messina, Sicily, Italy

2015- " POLYHX", Signal Festival, Prague, Czech

2015- '' AVA'', Alter Paname, France, Paris

2015- '' Homeomorphism'', CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland

2015- '' Homeomorphism'', IX Immersion . Experience Symposium, Montreal, Canada

2015- ''Homeomorphism'', Elektra Montreal

2015- '' Solenoid'', IX Immersion . Experience Symposium, Montreal, Canada.

2015- ''Solenoid'', Elektra Montreal

2014- ''ROOM'', Contemporary Istanbul ,Istanbul

2014- ''Homeomorphism'', Currents New Media Festival, New Mexico/USA

2014- ''Homeomorphism'', IAIA | Institute of American Indian Arts, New Mexico/USA

2014- ''Museum of Energy Mechanical Surface A/V Performance'', santralistanbul 100th Anniversary, Istanbul

2014- '' Cygnus'', International Brand Conference, Istanbul

2013- ''Mentalis Structuram'',Kernel Festival,Italy

2013 - YAP Istanbul Modern & MoMA PS1, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul, Turkey

2013 - YAP Istanbul Modern & MoMA PS1, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), NewYork, United States

2011 - "Track 08", ÇSM, santralistanbul, Istanbul, Turkey

















Cartoon Brew











Quartier Des Spectacles








Ars Electronica




All images/videos shown on this website are subject to applicable copyright laws and therefor protected under these laws. The copyright is owned by the directors and/or Eylul Duranagac. Furthermore all independent visuals, videos, designs and projects published on this website are protected by copyright. All sections of this website are also subject to applicable copyright laws and therefore protected under these laws.

Cargo Collective, Inc.
Los Angeles, Calif.