Hello guys, I am thrilled to announce that I am the winner of the Young Guns(YG18). @theoneclubforcreativity Young Guns founded in 1996, the portfolio-based competition has grown to become one of the most coveted awards for young creatives around the globe. For many designers, art directors, illustrators, copywriters, photographers, filmmakers, animators and other creatives, being named a Young Guns winner is a sure sign of a skyrocketing career, as well as a source of validation for all of the stressful days and sleepless nights that have come with early successes.
Young Guns is more than just an award; it's an exclusive community of rebels and prodigies, unsung heroes and rising stars, all who network, mentor and collaborate together. Over the years, their roster has grown to include some exceptional talent, among them Stefan Sagmeister (YG1), Rei Inamoto (YG4), James Victore (YG1), Jessica Walsh (YG8), Alli Truch (YG2), Natasha Jen (YG3), Pablo Medina (YG3), Jon Contino (YG9), Scott Stowell (YG3), Lindsay Ballant (YG7), Alex Trochut (YG6), Dark Igloo (YG10), Anna Bond (YG12), Zipeng Zhu (YG13), The Daniels (YG14) and Cait Oppermann (YG15)

12.01.2020// SINGAPORE
MOTHER EARTH_Climate Change_Data Sculpture Installation by Ouchhh” Details SOON.
Climate change data of Singapore 🌂



AI DATAMONOLITH Sculpture in İstanbul for @istanbulthelights 👽
You can experience it until 15th January ✨

Ouchhh created OCEAN DATA Immersive Experience Public Art for Les Bassins de Lumières.
Thank you 🙏 our visitors for those amazing pictures✨
Ocean Data_Bordeaux Bassins of Lights’’ using methods of public intervention created with millions of data from North Atlas Ocean and Bay Of Biscay. The installation evokes cascading fluid movements as those taken from the bathymetry of Biscay, the data from the North Atlas Ocean and more. Ouchhh is trying to making a difference in how we interact with the world. By using Ai and machine learning algorithms, Ouchhh aims to create awareness and present these data to people through art and To embody the world of data is an attempt to help us perceptibly joint this reality and also to respond to it, to feel the urgency of it and to take action. In Ouchhh's work Ocean Data, visitors can immerse themselves in the deep ocean by providing a temporal and immersive experience that integrates art, science, and technology. The installation turns into an Ocean & Marine exploration where we discover and gain knowledge about nature using scientific data of the North Atlas Ocean and Bay Of Biscay and Bordeaux.
The city of Bordeaux entrusts the management of cells 1 to 4 of the Underwater Base to Culturespaces. Called "Light Basins", this space includes 4 water basins. Les Bassins de Lumières is the largest digital art center in the world.
The digital exhibitions embrace the monumental architecture of the Underwater Base and are reflected in the water of the 4 huge pools 12m high, 110m long and 22m wide, thus adding a new dimension to the immersive experience.
The Bordeaux submarine base is one of the five submarine bases built by the Germans on the French Atlantic coast during the Second World War . Built between 1941 and 1943 , it accommodated Italian and German submarines . It now houses a cultural space.
#pythoncode #newmedia #houdinifx #ouchhhstudio #artsciencetechnology #newmediaart #publicart #datasculpture #datascience #dataart #immersiveexperience #immersiveart #exhibition #science #art #technology #animation #3d #newmediaart

AI DATAMONOLITH Sculpture in Taipei Digital Art Center👽

Data Eye of Wangjing” Permanent Public Art made by Beijing’s envormental datas, air quality, CO2 emissions, city map, weather data spanning etc.. over 40 years as a data sculpture.

New Awards for DATA GATE _ World’s First AI Nasa Astronomical Research Data Sculpture Permanent Public Art by Ouchhh.
Ouchhh has been awarded by AVIXA Awards 2020 from Washington DC, USA! We won Best In-Person Experience and Best Dynamic Art Experience Award.

July 7-9 2020
We gave a scientific talk with amazing people and organizations such as @spacex , European Space Agency, China Academy of space technology and much more...at Karman Week.
The Karman Week in July 2020 is a three days virtual event for Karman Fellows to strengthen mutual relations;
meet with global leaders in tech, science, business, politics and the arts and; shape common agendas which leverage space to tackle global challenges.
Each year we invite participants coming from diverse nationalities and sectors:
15 Karman Fellows who are below 45 years old and whose achievements in space are outstanding. We consider them leaders who are shaping the future of space.
50 global leaders coming from various countries and sectors to shape common space agendas together with the Karman Fellows.
Karman Project participation(s) are intuitu personae invitation(s). The Chatham House Rules apply to all discussions.

We are deeply honored to announce that Ouchhh has been awarded by ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2020 from Seoul! We won the Grand Prize and Gold Prize.
DATAGATE_World’s First NASA AI Astronomical Research Data Sculpture Public Art _GOLD PRIZE
DATAMONOLITH AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation_GRAND PRIZE
"Asia Design Prize is an international design prize among designers in the world. This competition discovers novel design concepts and ideas that will lead the future and promote them to the world. This award goes beyond the simplicity and complexity of styling, and gives true value to outstanding ideas for the creative potential of products and outstanding design concepts’’

DATAMONOLITH AI Architectural Data Sculpture Installation in @moriartmuseum , TOKYO.
As Ouchhh, we are proud to announce that we are invited to "Future and the Arts: AI, Robotics, Cities, Life - How Humanity Will Live Tomorrow" exhibition by Mori Museum with so amazing artists, researchers... What would happen if the consciousness of the world's oldest ancient origins data and AI come together for hybrid architectural public art?

Ouchhh’s award-winning public art project is AI DATAMONOLITH in Shibuya, TOKYO, LONDON,BARCELONA,LAS VEGAS and NEW YORK

DATA GATE _ World’s First AI Astronomical Research Data Architectural Sculpture Public Art by @ouchhh for Wave of Tomorrow Festival next week in JAKARTA INDONESIA.

In collaboration with Nike China, Ouchhh created an installation integrating data and entertainment to celebrate the first year of Nike China's collaboration with the League of Legends in Mercedes Benz Arena Shanghai

DATANOVA _ NewYork _ DataSculpture_Public Art
A DATANOVA (data supernova) is the explosion of a data of stars.
A DATANOVA (data supernova) is the explosion of a data of stars. It is the largest explosion that takes place in space. Ouchhh are inspired by star maps of NY to establish a sound and visual dialogue between urban and stellar landscapes of the city. Thanks to clever use of graphics and 3D animations, features, and peculiarities of the City will merge into geometric harmonies, abstract figures, and skyline for data sculpture experience to great effect. Ouchhh and GrandSon will use NY star map data and combine with this data with the parametric architecture. Ouchhh and GrandSon will create architectural metamorphosis with data novas. All this while remaining in the center of NY, that is: the landscape seen through the eyes of an astrophysicist and return with the artist’s gaze.
Interstellar Architecture Metamorphosis
The universe is based on an algorithm. All living and non-living creatures live in the algorithmic habit of the universe harmonizingly. Ouchhh has a general interest for the geometrical and mathematical forms in architectural structures. When Ouchhh and GrandSon looked at an algorithm, which is defined as the necessary phase to solve out a problem, and the algorithmic thought parameters, they observed order and harmony which is hidden in parametric and non-parametric architectural concept. Ouchhh and GrandSon will convey the harmony of non-parametric architectural canvas and the complex organic structure of parametric architecture to the audience by the use of primitive objects through abstract visuals. Ouchhh and GrandSon's aim is to tear the building's facade from its current form and will transform it into parametric architecture. In so doing Ouchhh and GrandSon will draw from the theory that all of the universes is based on an algorithm through which all animate and inanimate beings exist in harmony.
@lumafestival #art #science #technology #newmedia #newmediaart #publicart
Ouchhh won ICONIC BEST OF BEST AWARD_ Innovative Architecture with Poetic AI_World’s Biggest AI Exhibition in Paris.

Ouchhh won 2 REDDOT_BEST OF THE BEST AWARD with Poetic AI and Say Superstrings.
Ouchhh is the first reddot best of the best award-winning new media studio around the world. Thank you !
Red Dot Award
The distinction “Red Dot” has become established internationally as one of the most sought-after seals of quality for good design.

As an OUCHHH studio,we are invited to NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Muse Creative Awards USA
We have been awarded from Muse Creative Awards USA for “POETIC AI World’s biggest AI Exhibition” and ‘’ DATA GATE _ World’s First NASA AI Astronomical Research Data Sculpture Public Art’’ _ Experiential - Immersive CategoryWe are very proud of being awarded by this reputable organization, which is included 130 international juries and 13K + entries
Muse Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals who possess the unique ability to inspire with a concept, idea or design - whether through traditional materials or electronic media. More than paychecks drive creative people to perfect their craft, they follow the spark of an inner muse, lighting the path to success with deep knowledge and shining originality.

Real-Time Generative Installation Performance Of Electrical Activity In The Musician’s Brain!
After the @arselectronica , Ouchhh will re-installation new version of “SUPERSTRING” on @sonarfestival ‘s stage with ZA!
Ouchhh created a cognitive performance that we generate real-time brain waves at @sonarfestival with ZA. At a performance which we visualize the changes in brain wave activities in real-time, we will also transform the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma brain waves into a real-time concert experience that is wrapped around by generating the data about emotion, focus & attention, some auditory and neural mechanisms with electroencephalogram (EEG).
What if the matter is nothing but notes coming out of a vibrating string?

DATACOSMOS installation is an interactive immersive experience of the Github user and their relations. It used approximately 7 million users real-time data and 30 million connection. We collected a huge data corpus that represents a GitHub user and users interconnected amongst each other, based on who they follow and by whom they are followed.
In order to visualize this information in an interactive way, we distributed all the users in space. Then, we moved each and every user closer to those they follow and those follow them. By using an iterative approach, the entirety of the user base is analyzed over and over in a random order for their repositioning. As a result of this approach, the islands of well-connected users emerged. Starting out complete randomness, from clusters of users, connected to each other by information; just like galaxies.
For the interactive part of this installation; we invited our guests to search for their - or for their favourite programmer’s - GitHub user handle.
Every user search transported our gaze to that user’s position in space, as well as pulling near everyone who follows them for a glimpse of their relation to the rest of the Github Universe. @github

Ouchhh has been awarded from ADC AWARDS New York for “POETIC AI World’s biggest AI Exhibition”
We are very proud of being awarded by this reputable organization, which is heading into its 98th year.
1 MILLION people experienced our POETIC AI Installation and tickets were sold out.
We celebrated our POETIC AI exhibition incredible reactions.
World’s Biggest AI Exhibition in Paris.
Ouchhh created “POETIC AI” Solo Exhibition at @atelierdeslumieres in Paris. 50K pixel, 146 projectors... By using machine learning and AI algorithms, we create scientific conscious Poetic Refraction of AI reality which learns from millions of lines of theory, articles and books about light, physics, space-time that is written by scientists who change the destiny of the world and write history.
we performed our POETIC AI in the heart of the Geneva, @tedxcern event.

Lost in Play II in Shanghai
Ouchhh created new version of AVA_GlassLibrary Installation for Lost in Play II in Shanghai. All tickets were SOLD OUT!

April 26, 2019 · 15:00h
OFFF Barcelona
OFFF Barcelona was so remarkable amazing experience for us. We had a chance to share our almost 10-years epic knowledge and journey with too many good OFFF's spirits and hearts in incredible place stage of OFFF Barcelona. In addition, @ouchhh has been invited for a live presentation with @adobe community on youtube. Thank you for real comments, shares, messages and supports. Honestly, we didn't expect such great attention from the audience. Thank you for every clap. Another grateful thank you for OFFF Barcelona team. You created this miracle of sincere knowledge from nothing and thank you for make to us be part of this experience.

23.03.2019International Design Awards IDA from LA
We are extremely happy to announce that @ouchhh won 2 International Design Awards IDA from LA. "POETIC AI_World's Biggest AI Exhibition"_Silver Award_ Design-Exhibits, Pavilions and exhibitions. "Temple of Time" 360 Experience of Girard-Perregaux_ Silver Award_Multimedia-Animation. Thank you!

HARMONIC AI_World's Biggest Ai Jazz Consciousness Installation in USA by @ouchhh for 5 years w/@artonthemart
Chicago's musical roots go back to the beginning of the 20th century and include important contributions to the fields of blues, jazz, and gospel. Ouchhh trained artificial intelligence with jazz music compositions. Basically, by using AI algorithms, Studio created an AI jazz which was meant to learn from a series of notes, harmonic sequences that is composed by famous Chicago jazz musicians who become the heart of the Chicago. The audiences will feel a beyond&above experience when the architecture turns into artificial intelligence and that AI will transform into a visual experience and musicians. New knowledge will be uncovered, adapted and will be observed to increase our ability to use technology as we combine new media art, architecture, music and AI together.
theMART (formerly The Merchandise Mart), located in the center of the sought-after River North submarket, is interwoven into the fabric of Chicago as an innovator in culture, art, business, fashion, media and more. As the largest privately held commercial building in the United States, it is one of the world’s leading commercial buildings, wholesale design centers and the preeminent international business location in Chicago. Encompassing 4.2 million gross square feet, theMART spans two city blocks, rises 25 stories, and is visited by an average of 30,000 people each business day and nearly 10 million people annually.

1 MILLION people experienced our POETIC AI Installation and tickets were sold out.
We celebrated our POETIC AI exhibition incredible reactions.💣️💣️💣️💣️💣️
World’s Biggest AI Exhibition in Paris.
Ouchhh created “POETIC AI” Solo Exhibition at @atelierdeslumieres in Paris. 50K pixel, 146 projectors... By using machine learning and AI algorithms, we create scientific conscious Poetic Refraction of AI reality which learns from millions of lines of theory, articles and books about light, physics, space-time that is written by scientists who change the destiny of the world and write history.
we performed our POETIC AI in the heart of the Geneva, @tedxcern event.
We featured on Tv Channels, Newspapers, blogs etc... #poeticai #ai #newmediaart #newmedia #publicart #exhibition

Ouchhh's COSMIC AI Solo Exhibition featured on China TV!
_COSMIC AI Solo Exhibition by Ouchhh has a great success in CHINA!
Ouchhh mentioned in the news on TV channels, newspapers, Daily China, Global Times, Art China, China.org etc...
#cosmicai #ouchhhstudio

Ouchhh _ DATANOVA _ Public Art _ TOKYO, JAPAN _ @metacity.jp
A DATANOVA (data supernova) is the explosion of a data of stars. It is the largest explosion that takes place in space. Ouchhh are inspired by star maps of Tokyo to establish a sound and visual dialogue between urban and stellar landscapes of the city. Thanks to clever use of graphics and 3D animations, features and peculiarities of the City will merge into geometric harmonies, abstract figures and skyline for audiovisual experience to great effect. The studio will use Tokyo star map data and combine with this data with the parametric architecture. Ouchhh will create architectural metamorphosis with data novas. All this while remaining in the centre of Tokyo, that is: the landscape seen through the eyes of an astrophysicist and return with the artist’s gaze.
Interstellar Architecture Metamorphosis
The universe is based on an algorithm. All living and non-living creatures live in the algorithmic habit of the universe harmonizingly. Ouchhh has a general interest for the geometrical and mathematical forms in architectural structures. When Studio looked at an algorithm, which is defined as the necessary phase to solve out a problem, and the algorithmic thought parameters, they observed order and harmony which is hidden in parametric and non-parametric architectural concept. Ouchhh Studio will convey the harmony of non-parametric architectural canvas and the complex organic structure of parametric architecture to the audience by use of primitive objects through abstract visuals.Ouchhh's aim is to tear the building's facade from its current form and will transform it into parametric architecture. In so doing the Studio will draw from the theory that all of the universe is based on an algorithm through which all animate and inanimate beings exist in harmony.


DATAF/UX_New Data Sculpture_Public Art_MOHAI_Seattle
Data F/ux is a quantitative expression of the brilliance of a source of visible light, which is electromagnetic energy within the wavelength range. By processing information with light; Can Ouchhh create the next wonder material? Or can The MOHAI change its own shell with the flux? Ouchhh’s aim is to create data storytelling fluxes by performing with we got from the 3d data’s of the MOHAI. In this data storytelling fluxes, Ouchhh will create data sculpture by the museum’s own architectural data then stylized new materials with the unique aesthetic of Ouchhh Studio for public art.
Thank you 🙏 incredible audience, city, festival and friends.
@borealisseattle @maxin10sity @silasveta @flightgraf ... CREDIT:
Direction_Design_Animation: Ouchhh (www.ouchhh.tv)

GREATNESS_Interview is online!🔥️

dastrio X @ouchhh
A Real-Time Generative Installation Performance Of Electrical Activity In The Musician’s Brain!
Ouchhh created a cognitive performance that we generated real-time brain waves at the Deep Space with the South Korean/German trio. At a concert which we visualized the changes in brain wave activities in real-time, we transformed the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma.
According to superstring theory, all matter in the world is made up of one thing: vibrating thin strings. These strings, which vibrate at different resonances, bring everything into existence in the known universe. Matter consists of small strings. When these strings are pulled in a certain way – just like a violin or guitar string – they create a frequency. Therefore, the pitches/notes occur. We have become aware of the existence of the little notes that these superstrings create, and we realize that the universe is a symphony, and all the physical laws of the universe fit these superstrings.
Ouchhh will take inspiration from the notes that exist in the universe while micro-strings vibrate (Subatomic Particles) in real time and define the melodies created by the notes as “Matter” and symphonies of these melodies as “Universe”. With dastrio, Ouchhh took 11 dimensions in abstract directions in super grade gravity theory and move them beyond space in real time. The dimensions captured intuitively in living space was constantly change and turn into reality.
Sun Sep 9, 2018, 2:15 pm - 2:45 pm
Mon Sep 10, 2018, 11:45 am - 12:15 pm
#vvvv #houdini @arselectronica #deepspace #eeg
#mdcommunity #howiseedatworld #generativedesign #motiondesign

Hello Ouchhhers and Burners!
600.000 people experienced Ouchhh's Poetic Ai in just 5 months at @atelierdeslumieres , Paris. Now in Burning Man! Details soon.💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️

AWARDS ALERT!💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️
League of Legends 2017 which we produced the opening Show won 3 Stevie Awards from International Business Awards.
League of Legends Turkey Grand Finals Best Consumer Event - Gold Winner
Best Event - Silver Winner
Best Brand Experience Event - Silver Win

PARIS CALLING!🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️
POETIC AI__THE WORLD’S LARGEST AI EXHIBITION_Atelier des Lumières in Paris for 6 months! 50K pixel, 136 projectors
By using machine learning and AI algorithms, we created scientific conscious Poetic Refraction of AI reality which learns from millions of lines of theory, articles and books about light, physics, space-time that is written by scientists who change the destiny of the world and write history.


CNN Turk
We featured on Sandu!🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️
“Combining artistic expression and design principles with dynamic storytelling, motion graphics evokes a strong emotion and creates a connection between the message and the watcher. Motion Graphics – 100 Design Projects You Can’t Miss collects the outstanding projects by renowned studios from across the globe, such as Huge Designs, Imaginary Forces, Le Cube, to name just a few. All the striking works are divided into four categories, namely commercial, cultural, experimental, and title sequences. Motion graphics aren’t a new field, but with new technologies, refreshing concepts, and wider application possibilities, their scale importance to visual communication clearly on the rise.”

17-18 FEB 2018
650.000 people experienced our public art project in one night!!💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️💥️.
As the sun sets on White Night Melbourne and the Melbourne International Arts Festival, RISING has emerged as a new major cultural event for Melbourne.
Ouchhh is invited to White Night Melbourne for AVA_V2_Scientific_Installation!
Melbourne Program
White Night Melbourne will return to the streets, laneways, and parks of the city on Saturday 17 February 2018. From projections and awe-inspiring installations to interactive performances, puppetry and an array of musical hubs, there will be so much to see.
Over 650.000 people attended over three consecutive nights, as three of Melbourne’s iconic park precincts underwent a transformation


16-18 March 2018
Digital Design Days 2018 + OFFF Milano
As Ouchhh Studio, we are invited to Digital Design Days 2018 + OFFF Milano which will take place in Milano. It will be an extreme privilege for us to share the same stage with Ash Thorp, Danny Yount, Joshua Davis ... and we will be showing our AVA installation.
Event Page:
Digital Design Days

Bolshoi Theatre_Architectural Ai Performance
Our New ARCHITECTURAL _ AI PERFORMANCE for Circle of Light Festival on the facade of Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow!
Ouchhh is invited to Circle of Light Festival for performing Architectural AI Performance project.

Ouchhh created World's biggest architectural AI Performance collaborated with Canadian Data AI Scientists Assoc. Prof. Philippe Pasquier, Kıvanc Tatar (Engineer Artist) and MASOM. For this piece, MASOM will be trained on the compositions of AudioFILWe are invited to Bucharest for making this unique AI project to come alive on Façade of the Palace of Parliament, Romania. This project will be on a massive projection surface which is 23.000 square meters by using more than 104 projectors ,over 2.000.000 ANSI lumens and on one huge stage.

IOTA_AI PERFORMANCE _ Ars Electronica _ DeepSpace8K 2017
Ouchhh is invited to @arselectronica for performing AI live performance project on Deep Space 8k
Tuesday sept.7th
2:00 – 2:30 pm: IOTA AI Performance at Deep Space 8K
2:30 – 3:00 pm: OUCHHH studio presentation at Deep Space
Sat. sept.9th:
1:00 - 1:30 pm IOTA AI Performance at DEEP SPACE 8K

01_18_18 @artechouse
WASHINGTON D.C CALLING!!!🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️🤖️📍️📍️📍️📍️📍️📍️📍️
Ouchhh Retrospective Solo Exhibition; ''PARALLEL UNIVERSE'' - Washington D.C.
5500 sq. ft. _ 3 Galleries _ 5 Art Pieces. AVA, iOTA, ORION, H OM E OMOR PH ISM, PORTAL.
We are so excited for our first Retrospective Solo Exhibition!
You can experience Ouchhh Retrospective Solo Exhibition called “PARALLEL UNIVERSE”, which includes all of our worldwide projects that we did so far and a brand new one for a month with the collaboration of Artechouse, the first innovative art field in Washington.@artechouse
At the crossroads of art, science, and technology, ARTECHOUSE brings a true 21st-century art experience to the nation's capital as the first interactive digital art gallery of Washington D.C.
ARTECHOUSE which opened in June 2017 is a first-class innovative art space dedicated to exhibiting large scale of installations that are experiential and immersive by artists who are the forerunners of the new age of art and technology. “With the opening of ARTECHOUSE, our aim is to keep on impressing people by reaching the ultimate new age target in the international art scene and in the community for art and technology which brings together both local and world travelers.”

Parallel Universe by Ouchhh has a great success in the USA!💎️💎️💎️💎️💎️💎️💎️💎️💎️💎️
@artechouse and Ouchhh mentioned in the news on TV channels such as FOX, ABC, NBC,CNN Turk.
The exhibition is experienced by so many people that tickets were sold out.
Thank you Washington for all sharings, photos, messages and mails.🙏️🌹️

We featured at Red Dot International Yearbook Communication Design 2017/2018
Red Dot Award: Communication Design Edition🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️
The International Yearbook Communication Design is a must-have for corporate communication experts, content managers, advertising consultants, designers, art directors, photographers, design universities, design students and people with a passion for the creative world.The reference book for contemporary design presents today's best projects in communication design on more than 1,200 pages. Browse through the latest developments in the industry and behold innovative works and outstanding campaigns from the fields of advertising, marketing and more.

Ouchhh's New Neuroscientific Installation in São Paulo, Brazil!
What would happen if we could see the architectural consciousness?
We are invited to FileElectronicLanguage InternationalFestival San Paulo for our vertical light and sound installation which will transform the facade of San Paulo’s one of the most important architecture which is Fiesp Led Building.

Inspiration for Orion_ comes from Orion correlation theory and the relative distances from Earth to the stars in Orion’s belt. The constellation of Orion is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the sky, as its location on the celestial equator allows it to be seen all over the planet. It was of central importance to many ancient cultures, and its position matches up precisely to various ancient structures, including the pyramids at Giza. The three pyramids at Giza are some of the most mysterious, perplexing, and magnificent ancient structures in the world. Together they demonstrate the concept of sacred alignment with Orion, since they form a precise three-dimensional map of the stars as the two larger pyramids are lined up perfectly in comparison to the smaller offset pyramid of Menkaure. The pyramids’ size and placement also take into account both the visible brightness of the stars within Orion’s belt.
As Ouchhh Studio, we are invited to The-Future which will take place in Dublin.
As Ouchhh Studio, we are invited to The-Future which will take place in Dublin.It will be an extreme privilege for us to share the same stage with Stefan Sagmeister, Sagmeister & Walsh, DixonBaxi, Field, IBM Studios, WeTransfer, Red Bull F1...
2-day live event celebrating the innovators in design, media, creativity, and culture, and the role they play in the future of society, business and the spaces in between.
The Future takes place over two days (Friday November 3rd & Saturday November 4th), across four stages in the incredible halls of the Royal Dublin Society.
The Future 2017 _ #theFuture17 → 60+ Speakers → 4 Stages → 2 Days → Join Us → www.the-future.is ・・・
Istanbul based creative new media agency @ouchhh at #thefuture17

As Ouchhh Studio, we are invited to The-Future which will take place in Dublin.
As Ouchhh Studio, we are invited to The-Future which will take place in Dublin.It will be an extreme privilege for us to share the same stage with Stefan Sagmeister, Sagmeister & Walsh, DixonBaxi, Field, IBM Studios, WeTransfer, Red Bull F1...
2-day live event celebrating the innovators in design, media, creativity, and culture, and the role they play in the future of society, business and the spaces in between.
The Future takes place over two days (Friday November 3rd & Saturday November 4th), across four stages in the incredible halls of the Royal Dublin Society.
The Future 2017 _ #theFuture17 → 60+ Speakers → 4 Stages → 2 Days → Join Us → www.the-future.is ・・・
Istanbul based creative new media agency @ouchhh at #thefuture17

We are extremely happy to announce that Ouchhh has been awarded by German Design Award!

ADC AWARDS @adcglobal goes to OUCHHH!
@ouchhh has been awarded a Silver Cube Prize for Particle Physics Scientific Installation in Museums / Gallery Installation category and a Merit Prize for TEDxCERN Main Titles in Title Sequences category at the The Art Directors Club ADC Awards 2017 in New York.
ADC is the first global organization to celebrate and award leaders in creative communications and one of the most prestigious annual exhibitions in the creative community.
With the words of Earnest Calkins, who organized ADC’s first annual exhibition in 1921, the aim of ADC is “dignify the field of business art in the eyes of artists” and communicate the message that “artistic excellence is vitally necessary to successful advertising,”
We are very proud of being awarded by this reputable organization, which is heading into its 96th year.

Ouchhh is invited to @arselectronica for performing AI live performance project on Deep Space 8k
Tuesday sept.7th
2:00 – 2:30 pm: IOTA AI Performance at Deep Space 8K
2:30 – 3:00 pm: OUCHHH studio presentation at Deep Space
Sat. sept.9th:
1:00 - 1:30 pm IOTA AI Performance at DEEP SPACE 8K
1:30 - 2:00 pm OUCHHH studio presentation at the Seminary Room (it is also at the Ars Electronica Center, one floor under the DEEP SPACE 8K)
Sun. sept.10th:
5:00 - 5:30 pm IOTA AI Performance at DEEP SPACE 8K
5:30 - 6:00 pm OUCHHH studio presentation at the Seminary Room (it is also at the Ars Electronica Center, one floor under the DEEP SPACE 8K)

Red Dot Award: Communication Design goes to Ouchhh!
As Ouchhh, we are honored to inform you that we belong to the winners of the Red Dot Award Communication Design 2017 with two different projects.
AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation and TEDxCERN got the title animation award from internationally acknowledged design award ,Red Dot .
Red Dot stands for belonging to the best in design and business. Excellent design is selected by competent expert juries in the areas of product design, communication design, and design concepts.
The accolade of the Red Dot Design Award, the “Red Dot”, is an internationally recognized quality label for excellent design.

New Neuroscientific Installation for File ElectronicLanguage International Festival!
We are so excited to announce our upcoming project; We are invited to File ElectronicLanguage InternationalFestival San Paulo for our vertical light and sound installation which will transform the facade of San Paulo’s one of the most important architecture which is Fiesp Led Building.
We started this project with the idea that Neuroscience and simultaneous movement of both eyes between two or more phases of fixation in the same direction algorithms, and we transform the high-resolution led screen into a media canvas which transformed into living architecture.
You may experience our performance, for three months from 8th of July until 3rd of September.

@ouchhh 's projects awarded 5 Prizes by International Design Awards IDA!
We have been awarded 1 SILVER, 1 BRONZ ve 3 HONORABLE MENTION prize by International Desing Awards (IDA) which is one of the most prestigious design awards in the world and celebrating its 10th year in Los Angeles with more than 1000 participants from 50 Countries.
In Multi media - Animation category; Bronze for OledTV Cinematic Experience, Silver for AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation and in animation category Honorable Mention for AVA V2 Particle Physics Scientific Installation, Homeomorphism ve OledTv Cinematic Experience.
Ouchhh in MIAMI for Science :)
Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science
Ouchhh has been invited for an Audio-Visual Installation Performance in Grand Opening of Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science in Downtown Miami's Museum Park on Monday, May 8.
The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science is a leading science museum dedicated to sharing the power of science, sparking wonder and investigation, and fueling innovation for the future.Guests of Frost Museum can explore the world of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in an experiential setting with interactive exhibitions and unique shows.

Ouchhh at Coachella. Hellyeaah!🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️🔥️
Ouchhh collaborated with @obscuradigitalsf for Coachella.

Sónar İstanbul Sónar Festival
iOTA_Data Live Performance will be at Sónar İstanbul Sónar Festival, Zorlu PSM 24-25 March 2017.
Zorlu PSM 24-25 March 2017.25.

@ouchhh has been awarded by the City University of Hong Kong for our public data sculpture that uses NASA's open source data.
Ouchhh's new projects for TEDxCERN. #TEDxCERN
We are proud to announce the title animation and projection mapping performance we did for TEDxCERN will be shown during the opening of the event at 14:00 Central European Time (CET). Sound design by Audiofil.
The title animation was inspired by this year's main theme "ripples of curiosity," where TEDxCERN will explore curiosity and the innovations it sparks. Topics include artificial intelligence, DNA editing, biotechnology, global literacy, DIY science, drones, oceanography, as well as dark matter and gravitational waves.
It will be simultaneously livestreamed in 100 universities worldwide. Watch the livestream from the the link below and join hundreds of viewers for this monumental show!
Also, we created Main Titles for TEDxCERN.

We are excited to be part of the National Space Center.
We have been invited to the National Space Centre to share our experiences on the creation process of our various new media projects, including our CERN and Google USA projects. At this event, in addition to other immersive experiences, lectures and installations, our AV dome performance will be shown on the biggest dome in United Kingdom.

New Project for Vodafone.
For the first time in Istanbul, a digital symphony was organized with the participation of the audience using Face Tracking Mapping technology. The performance, which included audiovisual elements, started by taking the light from the audience, and ended by reflecting the light back to the audience.

Denver Museum of Nature & Science for IMERSA Immersive Research Science & Arts Symposium.
we are invited to Denver Museum of Nature & Science for IMERSA Immersive Research Science & Arts Symposium.Our audio visual dome performance "Homeomorphism" showcased as context of the IMERSA 2016. During the symposium, science and art merged together and we are proud to be part of the world's one of the largest Immersive digital experience.
International Commerce Center/HONG KONG
We are so excited to announce our upcoming project; We are invited to Hong Kong for our vertical light and sound installation "CONNECT" which will transform the facade of world's one of the largest building ''International Commerce Center'' into the data sculpture for public art and ''ICC'' holds Guinness World Record with its 77.000 square meter led installation. See you in Hong Kong. Stay tuned!

We are ready for the Signal Festival! Our anaglyph performance is starting tonight and will be screening for the following 3days. If you're close around Prague, take yourself a seat. @signalfestival

Upcoming Project: POLYHX
Ouchhh new 3D Anaglyph A/V Performance for Signal festival Prague Light festival 15 — 18/10/15

Ouchhh New A/V Performance ASYMPTOTE_Messina Sicilly

Ouchhh has invited to IX Conference (International Symposium on Immersion and Experience) 2015 for a New Dome A/V Performance in SAT (SATOSPHERE). See you in Montreal on May!
Ouchhh presents new project SOLENOID and HOMEOMORPHISM - 20 minutes long Full Dome Audio/Visual Performance at Société des Arts technologiques [SAT] during ELEKTRA Festival and IMMERSION EXPERIENCE SYPOSIUM IX 2015. SAT will feature our performance for two years in their Full Dome, documentation is coming soon.

We are invited to the greatest particle physics lab of the world "CERN" to re-perform Homeomorphism (Dome A/V Performance). See you in Geneva, Switzerland on March.

