Data Eye of Wanjing Permanent Public Art
BeijingOuchhh’s “Data Eye of Wanjing” Permanent Public Art made by Beijing’s environmental data, air quality, CO2 emissions, city map, weather data spanning etc.. over 40 years as a data sculpture.Ouchhh always creates questions the truth behind the observation, art, science, technology, data, artificial intelligence, natural phenomena. Ouchhh discovers the intersection of the multidimensional worlds as a hybrid environment that redefines the future of art. Ouchhh's main goal is not just to create an iconic landmark but also to create a data-driven public art to inspire and create a sense of marvel to everyone who experiences it through awe-inspiring arts
Data as a paint, algorithm as a brush.
Ouchhh总能够创造真相并解答背后的问题。艺术,科学,技术,数据,人工智能,自然现象。Ouchhh发现了多维世界的交集,创作了一个混合的环境,重新定义了21世纪艺术的未来。Ouchhh的主要目标不仅仅是创造一个特殊的地标性建筑,还要创造一个以数据为导向的公共艺术,以启发和创造一个黑奇迹般的感觉,并让每一个观众感到惊叹,并通过这个艺术体验来获得思考。 数据是画布,算法是画笔。